Hi stick animating creators on NG. After my previous animation Drifts vs FLLFFL, i've gotten so many pm's requesting tutorials on how to make stickmen, or proper use (animate a good stickman movie).
Unfortuntely i'm still a beginner myself buuuuuut lucky for you theres a solution.
Over at Fluidanims.com The founder (Stone) is doing video and live tutorials for people who request help, using programs such as skype, radmin and teamviewer.
You can also get sound effects and Actionscript coding help.
So the next time you post something here on Newgrounds it will be up to high standards, which most people love to come on Newgrounds for.
So if you need help visit Fluidanims.com
umm where do we find the tuts on the site? i cant seem to find them
Go on the forum, and go to resources, or for personal ones, register, then pm stone.